Easy Italian Food

Mushroom-based “meat” sauce over penne, perfect garlic bread, and charred broccolini with chili flake and lemon

Mushroom-based “meat” sauce over penne, perfect garlic bread, and charred broccolini with chili flake and lemon


My hope with this class is that you will encounter new ingredients, techniques, and ideas that will fill you with excitement about cooking. Do your best to track down all of the ingredients listed below. I find shopping to be such an integral part of cooking, and I enjoy the step of finding the right things to work with.

But if you’re unable to find something, don’t worry. There’s always a way to make do. I will help you during class.

Shopping List


Available at Trader Joe's (I like the intersection of price and quality)






(click image to view/download/print)


Can’t wait to see you in class!

- Chef Mark